Supported by TeraCopy 2.0 and above. It can be used in Command Prompt, Batch files, or Windows Task Scheduler.
TeraCopy.exe Operation [*]Source Target [/SkipAll] [/OverwriteOlder] [/RenameAll] [/OverwriteAll] [/NoClose] [/Close]
Operation: Copy | Move | Delete | Test | AddList
Source: File or folder
*Source: Path to file list
Target: Destination folder
TeraCopy.exe Copy "D:\My Documents" F:\Backup
TeraCopy.exe Copy D:\Video.avi C:\My Documents
TeraCopy.exe Copy D:\Data F:\Backup /OverwriteOlder /Close
TeraCopy.exe Move *"C:\Temp\filelist.txt" "C:\My Documents" /OverwriteAll /NoClose
TeraCopy.exe AddList *"C:\Temp\filelist.txt"
TeraCopy.exe Test D:\Video.avi
TeraCopy.exe D:\checksum.md5
About File Lists:
The * must be used to denote a file list, otherwise, TeraCopy will simply treat it as a regular file.
Paths within a file list may contain spaces and do not require quotes.
File lists are formatted with one file path per line.