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Setting Up Ntfy Notifications
Updated over 3 months ago


This guide will walk you through integrating Ntfy with TeraCopy to receive real-time notifications after each file transfer job is completed. By setting up Ntfy notifications, you can stay informed about your file transfers without constantly monitoring TeraCopy.


  • TeraCopy is installed on your Windows computer.

  • An active internet connection to access Ntfy services.


1. Open the Ntfy Web Application

2. Generate and Copy a Topic Name

  • Click on "Subscribe to topic".

  • Select "Generate name" to create a unique topic.

  • Copy the generated topic name for later use.

3. Access the TeraCopy Scripts Folder

  • Press Win + R on your keyboard to open the Run dialog.

  • Type %APPDATA%\TeraCopy\Scripts into the dialog box.

  • Press Enter to open the Scripts folder.

4. Edit the Script

  • Locate the Notify via Ntfy.ps1 script in the Scripts folder.

  • Right-click the file and choose "Edit" or open it with a text editor like Notepad.

  • Find the placeholder YOUR_TOPIC within the script.

  • Replace YOUR_TOPIC with the topic name you copied earlier.

  • Save the changes and close the editor.

5. Configure TeraCopy to Use the Script

  • Open TeraCopy.

  • Navigate to the Options tab.

  • In the Scripts section, select Notify via Ntfy.ps1 from the dropdown menu.

6. Set the Script as Default

  • Click on the "Save as default" button.

  • This action ensures the script will execute automatically after each job completion.

7. Test the Setup

  • Perform a test file transfer using TeraCopy.

  • Verify that you receive a notification via Ntfy upon completion.

Notify via Ntfy.ps1 source code

param ($source, $target, [int64] $size, $time, [int64] $failed, [int64] $skipped)

write-host "Transfer completed:"
write-host " Source: $source"
write-host " Target: $target"
write-host " Failed: $failed, skipped: $skipped"

$fsize = "{0:N0}" -f $size
write-host " Size: $fsize"
write-host " Time: $time"
write-host ""

write-host "Sending notification..."

$topic = 'YOUR_TOPIC'

if ($topic -eq 'YOUR_TOPIC') {
write-host "Please subscribe to a topic in the Ntfy mobile app or at and modify this script."
write-host "Press any key to locate this file..."

Invoke-Expression "explorer /select,$PSCommandPath"

$url = "$topic"

$headers = @{
"Title" = "Transfer completed"
"Priority" = "default"
"Tags" = "heavy_check_mark"

$body = @"
Source: $source
Target: $target
$size bytes, $time
Failed: $failed, skipped: $skipped

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Body $body

write-host $response

Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

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